Eating Disorder Help for Parents and Family Members

According to the authors at “Family members are often among the last people to know when a loved one suffers from an eating disorder. Most eating disorders develop gradually, and the changes in a person’s body are often either not obvious or happen so slowly that parents and siblings do not notice the difference. Individuals with eating disorders learn …

How to help a friend who you think is developing an eating disorder

Causes The cause of eating disorders can be complex with multiple risk factors such as high conflict in the home, family history of dieting or obesity, critical comments from others, abuse, neglect and bullying. Personal characteristics may play a part as well such as perfectionism, anxiety, low self-esteem, obesity and childhood obesity, early start of periods.  Females are around nine …

Body Esteem and confidence

Watch this great Ted Talk by Cameron Russel. She talks about being a model and the impact of this on her self esteem.  [ted id=1647]